Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Still Here!
Oh, and my babysitter decided today at noon that she couldn't come to watch the boys because she "couldn't get sick". Her mom had surgery last week and she is helping to care for her, so I understand her concern about getting sick. However, she was supposed to be at my house at noon to watch my children. Thankfully I have a fairly flexible job and a very understanding boss, so I left work for the afternoon and raced home to pick Henry up from school on time. We spent the afternoon reading books, resting, watching a movie, administering Tylenol and Benadryl, and wiping boogers.
Everyone is in bed now, and I'm going to catch up on some work I should have done this afternoon. I promise birthday photos are coming soon!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Mama? Obama?
Monday, January 19, 2009
Pain in the Neck
Happy Birthday Jack!

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm having a problem following some preschool rules. (SAD FACE drawn in by his teacher!)
I need help in the following area:
Not to kick and throw tantrums
Not to call friends names (DORK)
Listen to and answer my teacher
Please help me think of some way to have a better day tomorrow, then give me a big understanding hug. I need a helping hand!
OMG, are you freaking kidding me? He called a child a DORK!? And I can't stop giggling about it when I read the note. Over and over again. When SuperNanny ever texted me and said, "David got a note sent home from school today for making poor choices" I almost died. Who gets a note sent home in PRESCHOOL?!
We had a long talk about being disrespectful and not calling our friends names, using words instead of having a meltdown, and listening to the teachers. I'm not sure it did any good, however, because he was very sassy yesterday with his sitter while I was at work and had to spend some time alone in his room. We'll see how school goes today. . . it better be a more pleasant day for him!
I made him write a note to his teachers apologizing for his poor behavior. He was very mad about it. He had so many excuses about why he couldn't do it. His hand hurt, his pencil broke, he wanted a marker, his paper was dirty, his seat had crumbs, he couldn't remember how to spell his name, he made a mistake on the paper and needed a new one, he was thirsty, he had to pee. . . He is SO my child. That is exactly what I would have done. If someone told me a portion of my brain had been removed, regenerated and implanted in him I would not question it, as he is an exact carbon copy of me as a child. Parenting David has given me a whole new respect for my parents. I think he needs more individual attention than he's been getting. That's not always easy with three children under 5 years old and two parents who work full-time, but it has to be a priority for us. He's obviously wanting more attention and getting the kind I don't want to be giving him.
But the note did crack me up, and it's going straight into his scrapbook!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Tuesday Twelve

1. How is that face going to be a year old in less than a week?!
2. We are drowning in toys. It's making me crazy.
3. I told the boys yesterday that we were going to go through their toys and pick some to give to boys who don't have any. This has been a non-issue in the past. Notsomuch yesterday.
4. David said, "I DON'T WANT TO! THOSE TOYS ARE ALL MINE!" What a generous child, no?
5. Henry said, as he got up and started walking toward his bedroom, "OK Mama. I fink dat's a great idea. Do you fink 10 toys for da udder boys is enough?" He is so sweet.
6. Chris will be going through their toys while they are at school!
7. I'm signing up for Weight Watchers today. Again. I seriously cannot lose weight and keep it off unless I go to those meetings.
8. Chris (and the rest of the plant) have been working four days for a long while. Now it's "indefinite". That's fine -- I would rather know than have it be a day to day decision. However, working six hours, four days a week? Not cool. Good thing I got a job, because 24 hours a week is part-time and not really feasible for a family of five as the only source of income.
9. Had you told me a year ago that at this point I would be the major income earner in our family, I would have laughed in your face.
10. We had dinner on Saturday night with HotDog Combo and Small Popcorn and her family. We had so much fun.
11. Every time we do that, we say we need to do it more often. We really, really need to!
12. Jack likes to carry this baby around with him, then sit on the floor and hug it. He says, "Awwwwwww" when he hugs it, then he jams this bottle somewhere around it's mouth to feed it. It. is. adorable.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I Did It!
1. Eating better. We need to create better eating habits for our children, and ourselves.
2. Sticking more closely to our budget. This is rapidly becoming a matter of necessity, not just a "would like to do" since Chris is working only roughly 24 hours a week.
3. Maintain our organizational systems. I'm a very organized person, but it needs to be maintained by our whole family on a regular basis, not just when things get cluttery and drive Chris and me insane.
4. Be more patient. This is an ongoing life skill for us.
That should be plenty for us to do this year.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Vacation Recap

The next day we went to Ikea. Henry was all about the play area, and David wouldn't go. He begged the entire time for the European version of the Snuggie sold at Ikea. You know, because his "hands always get trapped inside my Gigi blanket". WTH? This child is obsessed with the most obscure products. I finally convinced him that he didn't NEEDASNUGGIERIGHTNOW because they didn't have the Ikea version in red. Thank the LAWD!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Miss Me?
I have lots to blog about - the rest of our trip, Christmas, and New Year's resolutions. I promise it's coming soon!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!

Yesterday we went to Cocoa Beach so we could go to the ocean. We packed our lunch and went to a really nice park. I was amazed at how clean the public restroom was! We ate lunch and the boys played on the playground for a while, then we ventured to the beach. What kind of moron doesn't bring bathing suits for small children to the beach? This one. It was only like 70 degrees out, so I didn't really think they would go into the water. WRONG. If you were at Cocoa Beach yesterday, my children were the white trash looking children splashing in the water. In their underpants. The water was frigid, but they didn't care.

After the beach, we went to the Kennedy Space Center. It was really cool, but completely reaffirmed our decision to not go to any of the parks. David and Henry enjoyed it, but were FAR too spastic to allow us to enjoy anything. They were also exhausted by the time we left, and there's no way we would get anything close to our money's worth at one of the Disney parks.

By far, the boys' favorite things to do so far while we've been here have been the beach (whether the real beach or the pretend beach at our resort), riding in the boat shuttle at our resort, and going to the playground. All FREE! I am enjoying that, because I know the next time we're here on vacation that will not be the case. Henry keeps asking, several times a day, when we're "going to our home". I do not think he'll be the world traveller in our family!
Today I think we'll hit the pool and the "beach" at our hotel. Have a great day, and Happy New Year! (A post on my resolutions is to come once our vacation is complete!)