Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I'm sure there's some fine line between what my children say that can be shared, and what should not be shared. Lucky for you (?), I've not discovered that line yet. With the expanding girth going on in my stomach area, there's been lots of discussion lately about babies, boys vs. girls, how babies get in bellies, etc. As well as just their normal crazy talk. Here are some excerpts and things overheard in our house lately.

David: Daddy, how to babies eat? How will baby Jack eat with no teeth?

Chris: Mommy will feed him special baby milk. (Right, like that was enough of an answer!)

David: From she's boobies?

Chris: Yes.

David: Will you feed the baby from you boobies?

Chris: No, only girls can do that.

David: Will Gigi feed Jack from she's boobies?

Chris: NO! ONLY MOMMY WILL FEED HIM! NO OTHER BOOBIES! EVER! Let's go get some apple juice.

I was in D&H's bedroom yesterday morning getting night diapers off, underpants on, etc. I said, "Are you guys hungry this morning?" Henry replied, yanking his shirt up to his neck, "Yeah Mama. Are you? You want to eat from my boobies like a baby?" Um, no thanks.

David and Henry were yakking in the backseat yesterday and I hear David say, "Oh Damn! Oh brothers! Oh Damn! Oh Brothers!" I said, "What did you just say?" David said, "Oh Damn! Oh Brothers!" I said, "David, we don't say that. It doesn't sound nice." David said, "What? Brothers? I think brothers are nice." I said, "No David, Oh Damn doesn't sound nice." He said, "MAMA! I meant BEAVER DAMN!" Ok, seriously, how does a three year old think that quickly? You know DAMN well he didn't mean beaver damn!!!!


Vanessa Jo said...

Oh my god. I'm crying. Too funny - I can not wait to see (and hear) those crazy children!

Susan said...

It only gets better! A few years ago Samantha and Megan were laying on the floor watching TV and Megan was saying she didn't want babies because she didn't want her stomach cut (I had a C-section for both girls). Naturally, I told her that that may not happen to her as there is another way for babies to come out. She asked how and I told her that some babies are born from the vagina. Samantha and Megan looked at each other, burst out laughing (like I was on crack....can you believe mom even thinks that's possible) and went back to watching cartoons.I haven't heard a word about it since. :)