Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weekend Recap

We had a great weekend!  Friday evening Chris and the boys met me at my office after work and we went to dinner at Logan's.  The boys love to eat there because they can throw peanuts on the floor.  I love to eat there because I don't have to clean it up.  We ran a few errands after, and I ordered these fabulous drapes for the dining room.  They were a fabulous deal.  (Think four panels for less than the original cost of one panel!)  Then the store called me on Sunday evening and let me know that the drapes are now out of stock and won't be shipped.  I. Was. Not. Happy.  However, it's still showing as pending on my online order tracking, and my credit card hasn't been credited yet.  There's still hope!

Saturday we went to the Webb School Craft Fair.  Oh. My. Lord.  Holy freaking crowd.  There was a lot to see.  And eat.  You want fair food?  They had it.  We ate it.  (As a disclaimer, I had a corn dog and some lemonade.  My husband *ahem* happily ate his way through the fair with a corn dog, a cheese burger, a walking taco, some ice cream, and some lemonade.)  I'm pretty sure the boys' favorite part of the fair was walking there.

The thing I bought at the fair that I'm most excited about?  Elf on the Shelf.  I seriously cannot wait to start this tradition with the boys.  The little elf is so cute!

  I suspect this little guy is going to get into all kinds of trouble at our house while the boys are sleeping.  They are at a great age for this kind of tradition, and I think they'll love it.

We also did some unpacking.  The dining room was really a bunch of furniture and boxes still, and I wanted to get that taken care of.  I still have a bit of work to do, but for the most part of the china, crystal, silver, linens, etc. are put away.  The room needs to be painted and desperately needs something on the windows now.

Sunday we stayed home and got a LOT of things put away, organized, and unpacked.  It's such a process!  We grilled some cheddar and pickle stuffed burgers on Sunday, and the boys devoured them.  I also made some Pioneer Woman BBQ meatballs for Monday night, and those were a big hit as well.  Clearly both need to be in a regular rotation, because my children don't eat meat unless it's hidden.

Photos to come of some changes to the house. . . Chris painted the living room yesterday, and I'm SO excited about it!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

We went to the craft fair too. How cool that you guys can walk there! I think my kiddos were a little overwhelmed. But I loved seeing all the booths. Love the pic of your son on the tracks!