My parents
The next Michael Phelps?
David, in his favorite outfit.
Christopher and me
A very sleepy Jack, ready to ring up his next customer.
A day in the life of a REAL housewife of Bedford County!
My parents
The next Michael Phelps?
David, in his favorite outfit.
Christopher and me
A very sleepy Jack, ready to ring up his next customer.
He's also crawling (fast) all over the place. This is really more like hurling himself forward, because he's still doing the "Army crawl". David never crawled on his hands and knees, so this doesn't really surprise me. He's working on another tooth, eating Cheerios like it's his job, holding his hands out for someone to pick him up, and trying to eat all of the table food he sees. And he is SO in love with Chris. If he hears Chris' voice, sees him, even thinks Chris might be around, he is craning his neck to find him. His preference is definitely for Daddy right now!
David and Henry had a good week. There was minimal crying when I would leave in the morning. Each day got a little better. We went swimming a couple of times this week, for several bike rides, played outside in the rain, went to the Discovery Center, did lots of puzzles, played in the backyard in the baby pool, played lots of freeze tag, and gave the swingset a workout. We had a great week.School starts on Tuesday. YAHOO! I will definitely need to be more organized about getting their things ready the night before, lunches packed, etc., as Chris will be bringing them to school in the morning. I know how difficult it can be to get all three out the door sometimes, so I'll try to make it as easy as possible for him!
Today we're going to Gigi and Grampy's for a birthday party for Vanessa. I'm sure there will be photos to come. Have a great day!
It looked like it had worms in it. Chris and I wanted to barf. Jack would have licked it out of the bowl if I let him. It was SO disgusting. It smelled hideous. I'm glad he likes it, but I don't know if I can bring myself to cook it again it was so gross!
6. Jack's using a cup sometimes now. He's pretty good at it!
7. We have preschool orientation next week to find out who the boys have for teachers. They both think they'll have Mrs. Frankie and Mrs. Sheila. . . they definitely won't both have them, so I'm sure someone is going to be upset!
8. I was getting dressed yesterday and Henry was in our room playing with a disposable camera that's like 5 years old and we've never developed it. He kept pointing it at me and telling me to say cheese. Then he said, "Mama, want me to take a nice booby picture of you?" Um, no thank you little Mr. Pornographer.
9. David came to the grocery store with me this morning. On they way out we passed a family with seven children. He was talking about how they had a lot of kids, etc. In the car he said, "Mama, do you hear that?" I said no and he cupped his hand near his ear and said, "Hear that? I hear another baby in your belly!" I don't think so!
10. Jack does this about 986765 times per day now and gets SO mad when he does.
13. I have no idea why this layout got so screwed up. Anyway, here's David making Jack kick his own butt. . .