Sunday, September 28, 2008


So I never updated Friday night. . . oops. We had a good week. Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch, which is quite possibly David and Henry's favorite place on earth. They were very well behaved, which always makes things more fun.

They each had a great week at school. Henry was upset that I hadn't signed him up for tumbling. He said all of his friends go. I asked who and he said, "ALL of them." I asked what their names were and he said, "I don't know, I just call them 'friend'." His teacher told me the next day that he really wants to do tumbling and when the other kids go he gets upset because I didn't sign him up. I asked if most of his class does it, because he totally made it sound like he was the only one sitting in the classroom while the rest of the kids were at tumbling. Notsomuch. Three children go. Three. Starting Tuesday it will be four, because Henry will be going too.

Jack's tooth finally broke the skin, which has made him a much happier boy. It was all swollen and red for a couple of days, and he was VERY disappointed about it. As was I! He's pulling up on everything and will hold onto the couch, tub, etc. and walk along whatever he's holding on to. He'll also hang onto the couch with one hand and turn and grab the ottoman with the other. I'm so not ready for him to be walking, which I suspect will be sooner rather than later. He is climbing on anything he can get to. I fear he's going to be as curious and fearless as Henry!

How is it almost October?? I need to get on the Christmas shopping bandwagon. We've already made our list of what we'll be getting everyone, so I do feel prepared. I just need to decide on teacher gifts. Any good ideas? We love their teachers, so I want to make sure it's something cute!

Work is great. I really love it. The people I work with and for are a good group. This was definitely the right decision for us.

I brought David and Henry to karate class yesterday morning. They did well! It was not at all what they were expecting. What were they expecting? Karate Spongebob-style, I'm sure. You know, lots of "HI-YA!"-ing. This was a 60 minute class with a warm-up, drills, balancing and coordination exercises, etc. The instructor was WONDERFUL. So patient, very serious about Karate, but not in a scary way. He did a lot of traditional Korean Karate with them, but also a lot of fun things too. Henry amazed me. He watched so carefully, listened, was very respectful, and did such a wonderful job. David was a little iffy, but he'll be going back next week. He needs to get used to the idea that you can't always just do what you want, and I think this is a good discipline for him to learn that. He didn't like to do the warm-up and drills, but once they got to the kicking and punching he was more than happy to participate. The best part about karate class? It's three dollars per person. Yes, you read that correctly. THREE DOLLARS. They will absolutely be going back next weekend.

We're going to go to the park this morning to ride bikes and play. I'm not sure what we'll do this week. I'm sure a trip to the pumpkin patch again. And I have a dentist appointment. Yuck. My sister's babysitting while I go to the dentist, and she claims she doesn't know how to change a diaper. I guess she'll learn!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Love the pictures! Jack is a doll!