Tuesday, September 2, 2008

And They're Off!

Off to school, that is! Things went very smoothly this morning to get everyone dressed, ready, and out of the house on time for school. I laid everyone's clothes out last night, got D&H's backpacks ready, packed their lunches, and had all of my breakfast ingredients ready to go. I will definitely continue to do this, because normally Chris will be the one to bring them to school. He's definitely not used to having to get all three ready to go someplace by himself, so I'll do as much as I can to expedite that process for him.

The boys were very excited while we were at home. They got ready with no problems and were waiting by the door about 20 minutes before we had to leave. Of course I couldn't let them go without taking some pictures. . . What a change from last year! This is what they looked like last year on the first day of school.

Once we got there, Henry wanted to come into David's room with us. We brought David in and got him settled, and Henry actually walked to his room by himself to do a puzzle. Their rooms are adjoining, which I can see will be an issue at first. They both escaped to each other's room more than once during just the short time I was there. I brought an epipen to leave in Henry's classroom, just in case. I explained to his teacher how to use it, and she seemed very nervous. I showed her how to inject it, etc. but I don't feel really confident about it. Thankfully we've never even come close to having to use it. She did assure me that they had his allergy information, and that he's not the only child in the room with food allergies, so I do feel like they're definitely aware of the issue. I just hope they never have to use the epipen!!

David seemed a little overwhelmed in his room. It was his old classroom from last year, but I didn't see any of the same students. He also only had 7 other children (all boys) in his class last year, and there were significantly more this year. He was a bit apprehensive, and Henry didn't even notice I was gone. I was expecting the reverse of those reactions, especially since it's Henry's first day of school ever. I'm sure they'll both have a great day and come home with lots of stories!

ETA: They both had a great day! Henry was sound asleep, snoring on his nap mat when I got there to pick them up. David was, not surprisingly, sitting on his mat in the middle of all of the sleeping children. Sort of like he was watching over all of them. After his initial apprehension he, in typical David fashion, ran the classroom. He and Henry met a couple of times throughout the day in the hallway between their rooms to hug and say they missed each other. When David came into Henry's room with me they kissed each other. They crack me up. Henry's teacher showed me a photo she took of Henry asleep on his nap mat, holding the hand of the little girl who was next to him! And Henry told me, "I only do one fing naughty today." He apparently took some bubbles off the shelf and wasn't supposed to. He said, "Mine teacher tell me to put dem back. I didn't want to, but I listened 'cuz it was my first day." They survived!


Susan said...

OMG.....they are so cute. I love Henry with his backpack. It's almost bigger than him. I'm sure they will have a great day. Hopefully they will be so tired they'll go to bed early...and stay asleep. :)

Briana said...

They look so cute! Hope they had a great first day!

Kim said...

That backpack. . . He wanted a "plain blue" bag. It took me forever to find one, and once I did all I could find was HUGE bags. It was $5 at Wal Mart, so I just got it knowing it would be too big. I've since convinced him to get the LL Bean junior backpack, but he insists he loves the one he has. I'm hoping a strap will quickly rip so I can talk him into a new one!

Kelly said...

What big boys they are! I hope they both had an awesome first day! I love thier shirts!

Stephanie said...

LOVE the shirts!! Glad it went so well.