Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Things not to do while driving

These are all things I witnessed drivers doing in their cars, during rush hour traffic, on I-24 while on my way to the doctor yesterday. PEOPLE! What are you thinking?! Keep in mind, this is not a long drive -- it took me approximately 35 minutes.

  • Reading the newspaper. Not while stopped at a traffic light, because of traffic jams, etc. WHILE DRIVING.
  • Shaving
  • Applying makeup
  • Eating, eating, eating. It seems most Nashvillians get their breakfast to-go.
  • Drinking from cups bigger than their face, without a straw. Hi, can you see the road?
  • Using a laptop
  • Turned around in the seat trying to hit the child in the backseat as the child was ducking and weaving about as much as the car was
  • Speaking into one of those hand held tape recorder things that I've only ever seen one person actually use. Oddly enough, that person was David's ENT, and that was who I saw driving and using it!
  • Getting dressed. Seriously, you can't take the extra 45 seconds to put the shirt on before you leave the house?
  • Of course, talking on a cell phone.
  • Holding a map on the steering wheel with one hand while turning the page with another, looking at the map. Um, which hand is STEERING YOUR FREAKING CAR?
  • And my personal favorite, text messaging. If you can't text message on your cell phone without holding it directly in your line of vision while swerving like a drunk in and out of lanes, just call the person.

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