Sunday, June 3, 2007

Why does the week seem to drag along, and the weekend goes so quickly??

Friday David had speech and did really well. I'm so proud of how far he's come in the last year. We ran some errands after speech, then all came home and took a nap. We went Friday afternoon to Nicole's house to visit and have dinner with our other friends, and to see Kelly who was in from Texas for the weekend.

Saturday I had Julie's baby shower brunch here, and we had such a nice time. Her friend Mary was in town from South Carolina, and I loved her! Julie got lots of nice things for Lily June Carolina, and we all ate too much food. We had a lot of fun looking at all of the baby stuff and chatting. We went Saturday night to the Acorn in Nashville ( for dinner to celebrate my 30th birthday. (Insert *GASP* how can Kim be 30 already? here.) It was nice to have a night out with my girls at someplace other than Chili's! I don't know that I'd necessarily go back to the Acorn, but the night was very fun.

Today we just hung out here. I've been getting caught up on laundry, we ran to Lowe's this morning, and the boys and I played outside this afternoon. There was a lot of searching for bugs, eating ice cream, and running around. They're pooped and crabby now, hitting each other and being mean.

My mom just called and told me that my dad almost cut his finger tip off using a saw to finish their new deck. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! The man can't go a summer without an accident!

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