Thursday, June 5, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

How the hell am I 31 years old? Seriously, how did this sneak up on me? When did I wake up over thirty, married, with three children and a minivan? Did I honestly buy (more) advanced wrinkle prevention cream this morning? WRINKLE PROTECTION?! Was it really me who happily spent my birthday changing diapers, wiping spit up, blowing bubbles, applying (and reapplying) sunscreen, giving baths, doing laundry, cleaning out closets, doing puzzles, playing trains, and doing dishes?

Gone are the days of taking my birthday off from work, doing whatever I want all day long, and dinner and drinks that night with friends. Gone are the days of treating myself to a new Coach bag for my birthday. Long gone is the carefree lifestyle I had on previous birthdays.

In it's place today was my first, "Is it your birthday yet?" whispered with hot sleepy breath in my face and skinny sticky arms around my neck at 3:45 AM. Those carefree days were replaced by David and Henry excitedly shouting, "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA!" as soon as I walked out of my room this morning. It's been replaced by my sweet husband taking care of all three boys and turning the baby monitor off in our room so I could sleep as late as I wanted, even though he had just worked all night long. I spent it with a wonderful friend stopping by this morning with an adorable gift. I spent it getting calls, cards, and funny emails from friends all over.

Instead of spending my birthday by myself I spent it with four people who love me more than anyone in the world. I spent it with four people who wouldn't rather be spending their time with anyone else, who weren't thinking about other things they had to do or places they had to be. I spent it with two sticky, sweaty little boys who were so excited to make me smile they kept shouting to me all day, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY! IT'S STILL YOUR SPECIAL DAY!" With Henry who said, "I borgot to get you a present. I'll give you sixty forty kisses instead. Dat be OK?" And who will not understand until he's a parent himself that his sixty forty kisses for my birthday were better than any gift he could have ever picked at the store. And with David who said, "You look so pretty Mama. I fink it's because it's your special day." And with Jack, who smiles so much he makes everyone around him smile. I spent it with my parents, who still - 31 years later - make a point to make birthdays a special day. They made a wonderful dinner after working all day and then acted like they had nothing better to do, swimming in the pool and doing "cannit balls" with David and Henry until 8:00.

I can't remember a better birthday. And, for those still wondering, I didn't get the Buxton Organizer. Don't cry.


Briana said...


Kelly said...

Sounds like a great day! That was beautifully written Kim!
Sorry about the Buxton...there's always

Unknown said...


I remember some of your birthdays over the years and I would have to say the you are correct when you say this one was the best way to spend it!! You also could probably function a lot better the next day!!! Isn't it amazing how we change as we get older! Wait until your pushing 40 yor will see things in a totally different light!! Happy Birthday!! I miss you!!!

Angie Morris said...

Hope you had a great day!



Happy Belated!!

Katie Jane