Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hump Day

  • David is going diaper free at night now, with (*so far*) only one accident.

  • That accident was last night, which led to him being up. For the day. At 2:15 AM.

  • That sucked.

  • He also figured out last night while he was up that he could get out of his room and did so about 549876318 times.

  • He wanted his spencer train. He wanted a drink. He wanted popcorn. He wanted a snack. He wanted strawberry pie. He wanted to watch TV. He wanted to tell me some jokes. You get the picture.

  • He didn't want to be up alone, so he woke Henry up. I mean, are you kidding me?

  • Henry only came into my room about 248573 times.

  • That didn't suck as much.

  • David was s-u-p-e-r grumpy after school. Not surprising. I was too, since we got up in the middle of the night.

  • I forgave his grumpiness because he made me the cutest Mother's Day stuff at school.

  • Mother's Day pretty much usually sucks around here, as my husband doesn't think it's a day worthy of celebrating. Don't get me started. It's not that he doesn't appreciate me, etc. but he doesn't like "made up holidays". It hurts my feelings but I pretend it doesn't so I'm not disappointed for that entire day and sulking with hurt feelings. And yes, he says he feels the same way about Father's Day. However, I don't, so I still do things to make the day special for him.

  • Speaking of sucking, Jack's a sucker. A thumb sucker, that is. It's official. It's generally the right thumb, but it takes two hands to get the thumb into his mouth, so it sort of just seems to be whichever ends up in first.

  • I only have one more layer of cake to bake. YAHOO! I got six baked today.

  • I was oddly productive, probably fueled by caffeine. This is exceptionally notable, considering the hour at which I awoke for the day.

  • Henry and I went shopping today and got really exciting things -- new bras. I seriously was excited about that. Being pregnant and/or nursing babies for five plus consecutive years does some crazy things to a body. I'm just sayin'.

  • I'm now going to tuck myself into bed to fold four baskets of laundry. Or maybe just go to sleep. Hopefully until later than 2ish.


Rebecca said...

Love the picture of Jack with his arm up and eyes open, he looks very much like Henry there.

Susan said...

Ugh....what a long day. I would have been very crabby all day. You're such a great mom! Those boys (all 4) are VERY lucky to have you!

Kelly said...

Now that is a LONG day! I don't know how you do it! I turn into monster mommy if I don't get my sleep!
Those new Jack pics are so freaking cute! He looks like you!